- Title:
- Dissertations on the Prophesies of the Old Testament, Containing All Such Prophecies as are Applicable to the Coming of the Messiah, the Restoration of the Jews, and the Resurrection of the Dead
- Author:
- David Levi
- Date Created:
- 1793
- Description:
- Jewish apologetics concerning the notion of prophecy and the traditional Jewish reading of Hebrew Bible prophecies with respect to the messiah and messianic time.
- Subjects:
- Judaism--apologia
- Language:
- English
- Location:
- London
- Publisher:
- London: D. Levi
- Source Identifier:
- vjwp_13
- Type:
- book
- Format:
- Relation:
Volume 1 of 3.
Volume 2: http://victorianjewishwritersproject.org/items/vjwp_54.html
Volume 3: http://victorianjewishwritersproject.org/itemss/vjwp_55.html - Full-text Link:
- https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015068409526&view=1up&seq=55&skin=2021
- Preferred Citation:
- "Dissertations on the Prophesies of the Old Testament, Containing All Such Prophecies as are Applicable to the Coming of the Messiah, the Restoration of the Jews, and the Resurrection of the Dead," Victorian Jewish Writers Project. http://localhost:4000/items/vjwp_13.html
- Reference Link:
- http://localhost:4000/items/vjwp_13.html