Princes Road Synagogue



Romantic Era (1780-1832) Literature

Alexander, Alexander. Pentateuch with Translation. A. Alexander and Son, 1785.

Alexander, Levy. Alexander's Hebrew Ritual. L. Alexander, 1819.

---. Answer to Mr. Joshua Van Oven’s Letters on the Present State of the Jewish Poor in London. L. Alexander, 1802.

---. Memoirs of the Life and Commercial Connections, Public and Private, of the Late Benj. Goldsmid, Esq. of Roehampton, Containing a Cursory View of the Jewish Society and Manners […]. L. Alexander, 1808.

Bennett, Solomon Yom Tov. The Constancy of Israel. W.H. Wyatt, 1809.

---. A Discourse on Sacrifices. Richard and Arthur Taylor, 1815.

---. The Molten Sea. London, 1824.

---. The Present Reign of the Synagogue in Duke's Place Displayed. No. 475 Strand, 1818.

---. The Temple of Ezekiel. A.J. Valfy, 1824.

---. Tenneh Bikkurim, London, 1817.

Bolaffey, Hayim Vita. The Aleph-Beth; or, the First Step to the Hebrew Language. London, 1811.

---. An Easy Grammar of the Primaeval Language Commonly Called Hebrew. Hatchard, 1820.

Cohen, Shalom ben Jacob. Shorshei Emunah, Elements of Faith for the Use of Jewish Youth of Both Sexes. Translated by Joshua Van Oven, E. Justins, 1815.

Cumberland, Richard. The Jew. C. Dilly, 1794.

Dacre, Charlotte. Zofloya; or, The Moor. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1806.

A Daughter of Israel. The Jewish Preceptress; or, Elementary Lessons: Written Chiefly for the Use of Female Children, Educated at the Jews Hospital. N. Archer, 1818.

A Daughter of Israel. Letter to Mr. Frey, of the Soi-Disant Jews’ Chapel, Spitalfields; Occasioned by the Questions Now in Debate at the London Forum. Cateaton-Street, 1810.

D’Israeli, Isaac. “A Biographical Sketch of the Jewish Socrates.” Monthly Magazine, 1798.

---. Calamities of Authors. John Murray, 1812.

---. Curiosities of Literature. John Murray, 1791–1823, 5 vols.

---. A Defense of Poetry and Specimens of a New Version of Telemachus. Harrison & Co., 1790.

---. A Dissertation on Anecdotes. C. and G. Kearsley and J. Murray, 1793.

---. Eighty-Nine Fugitive Fables, in Verse; Moral, Prudential, and Allegorical, Original and Selected. J. Murray, 1792.

---. An Essay on the Manners and Genius of the Literary Character. T. Cadell, Junr., and W. Davies, 1795.

---. Literary Miscellanies. Murray and Highley, 1801.

---. “Mejnoun and Leila, the Arabian Petrarch and Laura.” Romances, Cadell and Davies, 1799.

---. Miscellanies; or, Literary Recreations. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1796.

---. Narrative Poems. John Murray, 1803.

---. “On the Abuse of Satire.” Gentleman’s Magazine, 1789.

Edgeworth, Maria. Harrington. R. Hunter, 1817.

Godwin, William. St. Leon. C.C. and J. Robinson, 1799.

Hazlitt, William. “The Emancipation of the Jews.” The Tatler, 28 Mar. 1831, p. 701–2.

Hurwitz, Hyman. The Elements of the Hebrew Language. L. Alexander, 1807.

---. The Etymology and Syntax of the Hebrew Language. John Taylor, 1831.

---. A Hebrew Dirge, Chaunted in the Great Synagogue, St. James’s Place, Aldgate, on the Day of the Funeral of Her Royal Highness, the Princess Charlotte. Translated by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, H. Barnett, 1817.

---. Hebrew Tales: Selected and Translated from the Writings of the Ancient Hebrew Sages […]. Morrison and Watt, 1826.

---. An Introductory Lecture Delivered in the University of London on Tuesday, November 11, 1828. John Taylor, 1828.

---. The Tears of a Grateful People, A Hebrew Dirge & Hymn, Chaunted in the Great Synagogue, St. James’s Place, Aldgate, on the day of the funeral of His Late Most Sacred Majesty, King George III., of Blessed Memory. Translated by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, H. Barnett, 1820.

---. Vindiciae Hebraicae: Or, a Defence of the Hebrew Scriptures as a Vehicle of Revealed Religion, in Refutation of J. Bellamy. F.C. and J. Rivington, 1820.

Levi, David. A Defence of the Old Testament, In a Series of Letters, Addressed to Thomas Paine. D. Levi, 1797.

---. Dissertations on the Prophecies of the Old Testament: Containing All Such Prophecies as Are Applicable to the Coming of the Messiah, the Restoration of the Jews, and the Resurrection of the Dead […]. D. Levi, 1793.

---, translator. The Holy Bible, in Hebrew […]. Edited by Levy Alexander, L. Alexander, 1822.

---. Letters to Dr. Priestly, in Answer to Those He Addressed to the Jews; Inviting Them to an Amicable Discussion of the Evidences of Christianity. D. Levi, 1789.

---. Letters to Nathaniel Brassey Halhed, M.P., in Answer to his Testimony of the Authenticity of the Prophecies of Richard Brothers […]. London, 1795.

---. Lingua Sacra. 1785–87, 3 vols.

---, translator. Seder haTefilot: The Order of the Daily Prayers, in Hebrew and English, According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. W. Justins, 1789–93. 5 vols.

---. A Succinct Account of the Rites, and Ceremonies, of the Jews […]. J. Parsons, 1782.

---. Tikun Sofrim: Im Vave Amudim [Bereishit]. D. Levi, 1785.

---. Tikun Sofrim: Im Vave Amudim [Shemot]. David Levi, 1787.

Lord Byron. Hebrew Melodies. John Murray, 1815.

Lyon, Abraham Septimus. A.S. Lyon’s 1823 Diary. 1823.

---. A.S. Lyon’s 1826–39 Diary. 1826–39.

Lyon, Emma Henry. Miscellaneous Poems. J. Bartlett, 1812.

Lyon, Solomon. A Compendious Hebrew Grammar. London, 1799.

---. Explanation of and Observations on an Antique Medal. Calvert, 1810.

---. A Theological Hebrew Grammar And Lexicon, Entitled Mapeach Lashon Hakodesh, A Key to the Holy Tongue. G.F. Harris’s Widow, 1815.

Macaulay, Thomas. Review of Statement of the Civil Disabilities and Privations affecting Jews in England. The Edinburgh Review, 1802–1929, vol. 52, no. 104, 1831, pp. 363–374.

Newman, Selig. Tilmod Lashon ʻIvri: A Grammar of the Hebrew Language, with Points; Together with a Short Sketch of the Chaldee Grammar. Printed for the author, 1827.

Polack, Maria. Fiction without Romance, or, the Locket-Watch. Effingham Wilson, 1830.

Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe. Archibald Constable and Co., 1820.

Wordsworth, William. “Song for the Wandering Jew.” Lyrical Ballads with Other Poems. 2nd ed., vol. II, T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1800, pp. 98–102.