Isaac Lindo Mocatta

Lindsay Katzir, Antioch University New England


Isaac Lindo Mocatta (1818–1879) descended from the prominent Mocatta and Lindo families, well-known for their philanthropy and leadership within Anglo-Jewry. The Mocattas were particularly influential in finance, the law, and the arts and letters, forming part of the Anglo-Jewish aristocracy called “the Cousinhood.” Born in London to Moses Mocatta (1768–1857) and Abigail Lindo (1775–1824), Isaac spent his early years in business, living abroad in South America and Australia before returning to England in 1857. Upon settling back in London, he became involved in Jewish communal work, supporting organizations such as the Jewish Board of Guardians and the Jewish Model Lodging Houses.

Later in life, Mocatta followed in his father’s footsteps by turning his focus to writing, producing several works on Jewish moral teachings and religious instruction. His religious publications include Moral Biblical Gleanings (1872), which illustrated ethical principles through Biblical narratives, and The Jewish Armory (1877), a privately printed volume. He also contributed to the “Sabbath Readings” series, distributed by the Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge. Mocatta’s literary output was not confined to religious subjects. He also authored Times and Places (n.d.) and other writings on contemporary social issues.

Though he was “an invalid in later life,” he continued to write until his death on 12 November 1879.1 He was survived by his wife, Abigail Mocatta (1827–1905), and their five children: Grace Mocatta (1859–1956), Amelia Rebecca Mocatta (1861–1945), Benjamin Mocatta (1866–1925), Evelina Mocatta (1868–unknown), and Alfred Lindo Mocatta (1870–1931).

1William D. Rubinstein, Michael Jolles, and Hilary L. Rubinstein, The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp. 682.


Works Consulted

“Mocatta.” The Jewish Encyclopedia, Accessed 15 Sept. 2024.

“Mocatta.” Jewish Virtual Library, Accessed 15 Sept. 2024.

Rubinstein, William D., et al. The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.



The Jewish Armoury. Brighton, 1877.

Moral Biblical Gleanings and Practical Teachings, Illustrated by Biographical Sketche Drawn from the Sacred Volume. Trübner & Co., 1872.